Maps of towns, national parks, trails, major transportation routes, and more. View PDFs online, or order a print map delivered to your door. LC Land ownership maps, 105 Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes business directories, list of post offices, advertisements, views of public, residential, and commercial properties. Insets: Taylorsport - Evanston - Long John - Lake View - Matteson - Linden Grove - Schleswis - Athens - Thornton - Calumet - Bremen - Pine Grove - Hyde. Free printable bingo card generator for kids, and free virtual bingo games to play on your mobile or tablet. We have simple 1-9 and 1-20 number bingo cards, and alphabet bingo for young children learning their letters and numbers, with lots more coming soon. Our kids bingo cards can be used in a wide range of creative ways.
This is the first printed chart of New Zealand which was published only three years after Cook completed his charting of the two Islands in 1770. Cook had originally come to the Pacific to observe…[more]
From James Cook's first voyage in which he charted New Zealand and the east coast of Australia. The map depicts Cook's Strait, that seperates the north and south island of New Zealand. Present day…[more]
Sectional map of the north coast of Queensland showing the Endeavour River, where Cook repaired his boat after being shipwrecked.
Cook's bark, the 'Endeavour' encountered little trouble…[more]
The first published chart of the east coast of Australia .
The first published full-scale map of the east coast of Australia and it is based on the charts drawn by Cook during the…[more]
Believed by many to be the first published chart of the Pacific to show Australia 's east coast and both the north and south islands of New Zealand . Cook's first voyage track is charted.
…[more]The first published chart of Botany Bay and the Endeavour River after the original drawing by Cook himself and published in the official account of Cook's first voyage.
This map was…[more]
Captain Cooks chart of New Guinea showing also previous exploration by other explorers such as Carteret. A very nice large chart of the island
Captain James Cook (1728-1779) was an…[more]
This chart shows the extent of Cook's discoveries and exploration of New Zealand during his first voyage to the pacific (1768-1771). It was the first complete map of New Zealand though this…[more]
This is the first French edition of the first published chart of the east coast of Australia . As was often the case at the time and because of the popularity and importance of Cook's discoveries…[more]
From the French/German edition of James Cook's first voyage in which he charted New Zealand and the east coast of Australia. The map depicts Cook's Strait, that seperates the north and south…[more]
These charts are from the French/German edition of Captain Cook's visit and charting of Botany Bay and the Endeavour River after the original drawing by Cook himself and published a year after the…[more]
From the French/German edition of Cook's first voyage. Cook's chart depicts three bays in the north island of New Zealand. The Firth of Thames, Tolga Bay, and the Bay of…[more]
Map of Australia , New Zealand , New Guinea and the South Pacific. One of the earliest maps to show the tracks of the voyages of Capt. Cook, Carteret, Byron, Wallis and Mouats.
Cooks map of the Southern Hemisphere after his second voyage. The map was the key chart of his second voyage, which was published in 1777. The map dispells the myth of the great southern land. It…[more]
The second voyage of Captain Cook in his exploration and circumnavigation of the South Pole in HMS Resolution and HMS Adventure. A very interesting account of the voyage including 62 engravings…[more]
The first edition of the first separately printed English map to show part of the coast of Tasmania. Furneaux's track in the Adventure is shown.
In this English edition, this is the…[more]
The first map of Norfolk Island, which was discovered in 1774. The first edition of this map was included in James Cook's second voyages published in 1777. Because of Cook’s voyages wide…[more]
A French edtion of Captain James Cook's famous chart of the Southern Hemisphere. The original English edition was printed in 1777 when Cook's second voyage was published. The French edition was…[more]
Wall map of the world. Shows mathematical calculations for astronomy, navigation. Discusses many mathematical issues.
Published: 1781.
About the Publishers: Published by Robert…[more]
Lotter's map of the world in ovaloid projection showing the tracks of Cook's three voyages of discovery.
It is one of the first large scale maps to show the discoveries of Cook's three…[more]
Australia Maps
Online Map of Australia
Large detailed map of Australia with cities and towns
Australia states and territories map
Large detailed road map of Australia
Political map of Australia
Large detailed topographical map of Australia
Physical map of Australia
Physical road map of Australia
Railway map of Australia
Australian time zone map
Downloadable Map Of Cook Inlet Yellow Tickets California
Australian climate map
Desert map of Australia
Aboriginal tribes map of Australia
Tourist map of Australia
Australia location on the Oceania map
Travel map of Australia
Administrative map of Australia
Detailed Map Of Cook Inlet
Australia Abbreviation Map
Australia maps
Cities of Australia
Cities of Australia
States and territories