Driver Analytical Amiable Expressive Test

Whether they’re analytical, amiable, expressive, driver, or a mix of these personalities, make sure to craft a compelling pitch specifically catered to their preferences. This will also allow you to improve your strategy and prepare for your presentation’s success. Explanations Preferences Social Styles. Assertiveness Responsiveness Driver Expressive Amiable Analytical So what? Social Style Theory is based on work originated by David Merrill, who used factor analysis to identify two scales, identified as assertiveness and responsiveness. This results in a model that has four quadrants which identify four social styles.

  1. Driver Analytical Amiable Expressive Test Answers
  2. Driver Analytical Amiable Expressive Testing
  3. Communication Style Driver Amiable

Expressive Amiable Analytical These styles are defined by two behavioral variables or dimensions: assertiveness. Personality test have calculated that about one third of the population is extroverted. Merrill-Reid Driver Expressive Amiable Analytical D.E.S.A. Dominant Expressive Solid Analytical Hippocrates Greek Terms. The analytical personality type is very deep and thoughtful. They’re serious.

These four words, drivers, analyticals, amiables, expressives, supposedly describe personality types, temperament, disposition, communication style, personal markers of one’s ways of interacting with others and/or with facts and circumstances.

Drivers are said to be can-do types, hard charging, quick thinking doers and deciders. They make up their minds and quickly render decisions on most things.

Analyticals are logical and fact based people who tend to reach conclusions based on facts established by empirical data. They don’t believe human-caused climate change has been shown to be true because it is based on conjecture with little if any empirical data.

Amiables are nice. They will go along to get along. They don’t like arguments, not even those that are made in good faith. They believe in human-caused climate change because they think everyone else does. With enough pressure they might be persuaded that the 1969 moon landing was a hoax made up with video produced on a sound stage. But even if they don’t believe any of that they might say they do when in the company of others who do believe it was all made up by who, Nixon?

Expressives are loud mouths who love the sound of their own voice and want to tell you all about their summer vacation. Well, some just want to make a point they truly believe and think you’ll be better off if you believe it too. They may be annoying but they’re guileless as well. Their intentions are good.

OK, read all the above and tell me where I’m wrong. — Expressive

You don’t have to agree with me on what I’ve written above. You probably have some valid points to add, some criticisms you’d like to share, I’m eager to hear you. — Amiable

I stated the facts, you can’t ignore them. Unless you’ve got some data that detracts from my analysis you’ve got nothing to contribute. — Analytical

I’ve carefully looked into this subject and it’s easy to see what this is all about. I’ll give it to you in a nutshell so you’ll see that it’s obvious. — Driver.

Which personality types are you? Probably not just one of these describes you or anyone else. Most people are capable of being any one of these under different circumstances, or some combination of them. We do tend to be more one than any of the others most of the time.

Even an amiable can become frustrated with someone who can’t seem to make up their mind about anything. An analytical can sometimes understand there are things in this world not susceptible of absolute proof. A driver may sometimes heed caution. An expressive can remain quiet while others are speaking, holding his emotional expressions for later.

See also — The four temperament theory is a proto-psychological theory which suggests that there are four fundamental personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic.

Home Blog How to Handle 4 Different Personality Types of Customers

Driver Analytical Amiable Expressive Test Answers



Every person has a distinct personality type and buying decision behavior. Cultural traditions, race, and social status influence an individual’s decisions and actions. This is why sales professionals need to understand these key factors to map out a strategy that best fits them.

While it’s possible to cater to different sets of audiences, it’s important to know not only their needs and preferences but also their buying behavior and expectations.

Here are four different customer personality types essential for your sales success:

1. The Analytical

People who possess this personality look for facts and figures in a sales presentation. In a post written by HubSpot’s Leslie Ye, she explains that people with this personality type do advanced research on the business contact prior to the initial interaction.

Analytics prefer to have deeper knowledge about the subject before getting convinced on a particular matter. They verify each information and focus more on the brand’s features to make sure of its quality and efficiency.

These customers use most of their logical thinking rather than their emotional side when it comes to making decisions.

How to handle:

Focus on providing information relevant to what your business can do for them. Use qualitative and statistical data that shows exact representations of facts to attract attention and stir interest. Since these people are information-oriented and have a keen eye for detail, you need to be specific and direct when delivering your pitch.

Expect questions and clarifications during the selling process. This indicates that they’re interested in knowing your business more. Be patient because analytical customers are slow decision makers.

2. The Amiable

The Amiable are respectful, sociable, and trustworthy. They’re good at listening to and forming relationships with others. Unlike analytical thinkers, amiable people care more about building rapport and establishing trust with other professionals.

They’re more interested in conducting business transactions with people who meet their buying expectations. Their decision relies on how the company manages to value their interest in relationship-building.


Driver Analytical Amiable Expressive Testing

How to handle:

Make yourself likeable by creating a good impression and recognizing their presence. Asking questions that show your interest adds a personal touch to your pitch. This makes them feel valued, which nurtures your relationship with them. Provide relevant questions that allow them to share their personal experiences about a certain product. Address their needs based on answers to increase your chances of closing more sales.

You can also introduce some of your colleagues who can offer help and assistance in their decision-making.

3. The Expressive


People with the expressive personality use most of their creative side to voice out their opinions on a particular topic. When presented with facts, they’d prefer to share their own perspective rather than ask for additional information. However, they know how to show respect others as much as they want them to be respected. Similar to those with an amiable personality, they give importance to relationships. They value the welfare of the people who can be affected by their choices.

Unlike analytical and amiable customers, expressive individuals are fast decision makers.

How to handle:

Tell stories that are relevant to the topic and to each concerned individual. You can also share your own experiences to help them better understand what’s being discussed. Focus on showing what your business can do for them while concentrating on a possible outcome they may encounter after the purchase. Connect with them and establish a deeper level of relationship by tapping into their emotions.

While facts and other data can help, these type of customers set their minds in making and fulfilling decisions that people will love.

4. The Driver

People with this personality are mostly self-centered and opinionated. They find pleasure in manipulating a pitch that identifies them as reasonable and authoritative.

According to speaking expert Rick Segel, drivers expect each information to be delivered in the quickest way possible because they’re goal-oriented. They’re commanding in nature and motivated to achieve their objectives. They want immediate answers and solutions. They also value competence as much as they value expertise and preparation.

Similar to expressive customers, drivers are fast decision makers.

How to handle:

Get straight to the point when expounding on your pitch. Be direct without compromising clarity and quality of your performance. Provide facts and evidences to help them easily understand your message and make quick decisions. Mentioning irrelevant or unnecessary information will only waste both your time and effort. So be careful to give only what’s needed in a particular discussion.

Highlight how your business will enable them to reach their goals and let them stand out from the competition.

The Takeaway: Be Flexible

One of the famous proverbs from Gregory Titelman’s Random House Dictionary says: “Different strokes for different folks.” Simply put, being aware of these personalities enables you to strategize more effectively to meet their needs and solve their problems.

These traits will help you identify what type of customers you’re interacting with. Whether they’re analytical, amiable, expressive, driver, or a mix of these personalities, make sure to craft a compelling pitch specifically catered to their preferences. This will also allow you to improve your strategy and prepare for your presentation’s success.

Let our team help and assist you with your presentation needs by giving you a free quote!


Leck, Lorna. “Different strokes for different folks.” Sales Activator. March 23, 2015.
Segel, Rick. “4 Types of Customers (and How to Sell to Each of Them).” Business Know-How. n.d.
Ye, Leslie. “How to Sell to Different Personality Types.” HubSpot. April 15, 2015.

Communication Style Driver Amiable

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